This was taken Christmas eve at Mamere and Pawpaw's house. The sequence is to try and get all the grandkids still for at least 5 seconds for a good snapshot. Hilarious.
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Saturday, December 29, 2007
It's been quite a while since I've posted. The holidays seemed to take over. My last posts involved Shiner. He has since fully recovered and has adapted very well to being a house dog. He will go on a diet like the rest of us, starting next week. Thanksgiving eve, we purchased 2 female miniature donkey's, Carmen and Rosa. They were quite shy. They are coming around and will eat out of our hands. Diego is most unhappy because they are on the other side of the fence. Christmas was spent in Louisiana and it was wonderful because we were almost all together - missing was our future son-in-law, jobs do require attendance. Food was great and doubly good because crawfish were running early. Best of all, was bringing back our "grands". The trip back was long - we did it in one day instead of 2; T&M were great. The weather hasn't cooperated as far as being able to play outdoors, but we can't have it both ways, the rain was badly needed. T&M have both gotten a kick out of gathering the eggs. They also like to call and feed the chickens. T has had an encounter with Elvis the rooster, but held his own. The mud has limited there time with the donkeys. Went to the movies today and saw Alvin and the Chipmunks. Really, really cute and T&M thoroughly enjoyed it, so did Mama. Forgot how big the popcorn and drinks were. Came home and had banana split for supper. Don't tell the Mama and Daddy, but tonight T&M have caught up on some sleep and are staying up late tonight.