Monday, March 27, 2006

You may have already figured this out. That little thingy they use for professional pedicures is basically useless. They best thing to use is the guys triple blade razor.( I think it's Gillette) Use it wet or dry. It's great for removing the dead skin on cracked heels. The best lotion is Gold Bond Cream for Cracked Heels. My heels were really suffering this year and this is the best result I've had yet. Roughness all gone.

T&M are doing great. We planted muscadine vines, blueberry bushes and apple trees today. We spray painted the branch for our Easter Egg Tree. Needless to say, we stay busy. Looking forward to this weekend when all of our "chilluns" arrive.

As far as the "Templar" book, it was actually pretty good. Pretty controversial stuff - may be offensive to some.


Mouse said...

May I borrow the new book and Honeymoon??

Kay Latham Art said...

Unfortunately, they are library books. Otherwise, you surely could have them