Monday, August 27, 2007

Well, it's been an eon since I posted. I'm hopeful that having wireless will make it easier. Dial up was a drag - literally.
Mom L was still in the dining room when we visited. She was visiting with a gentleman who is 102. His 82 year old daughter is in another local nursing home - his baby is 77. That's scary. His mind is clear as a bell. Mom is clueless.
Mama's knee is bothering her more. I guess that will be next on our agenda.
I finally downloaded some pix and will try to include here on a more regular basis.
Bathed Prissy, and all 4 house cats. Tweedle was a trip. We had to dig out the special bathe cage. She literally worked up her own lather. I've never seen such contortions.
Finally a cooler day - muggy, but 89 - bareable.
We were out supervising the chickens while they are learning to "free range" and I heard a very high screech, looked up and saw a hawk trying to dive for the chicken. We scared him off and put the chix up for the day. One more challenge.

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