Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Wednesdays are busy days for me. I take my ICC art class from 9-1 and I give lessons from 1-4, then 4:30 to 7:30. So I'm rushing in from morning class, grabbing peanut butter and banana sandwich, glance out the back window and what do I see, but 2 very large horses eating grass in our back yard. So I yell for Poppy. They belong to our neighbor south of Doug's pasture. Second time this week they've gotten out. However, the first time they headed to neighbor B. E.'s house. To make it even funnier, when I head out the back door to see if I could help Poppy, I look around and all the chickens are running to follow me out. That's all we need is 9 chickens under the feet of the horses. Poppy got them corraled before the chickens got there.
He put them into the small entry section of the pasture to try and contain them until C got home from work ---of course, we didn't have her work number. Next thing we know, horses are gone and the gate is on the ground ----did I mention they were very big horses. Diego can walk under one. Well they came right back and pretty much stayed all afternoon enjoying the green grass in our back yard. Poppy will be helping C try to repair her fence. However, she says one of them can jump over a round pen gate.--velly high.
Part of the problem is her pasture isn't supporting them, what with the drought. She has been supplementing them, but I guess they smelled our fresh grass.

1 comment:

loud said...

As long as Deigo doesn't try to mount one, I guess it's not too crazy!