Saturday, February 23, 2008


Week before last was a continuous string of Dr's visits and medical tests. It seemed Mama always had a new complaint - which really isn't new, but she thinks it is. In the past, she only needed glasses for reading and now she now has new glasses that she should wear all the time. I got her the Transitions lens so she wouldn't need to keep up with 2 pair of glasses. Well, it doesn't register that she needs to wear them all the time. She went to daycare yesterday, and came home, couldn't find her glasses. Hopefully, she left them at daycare. She's now wearing my old drug store reading glasses. Her pulse rate has come up, and her digoxin level is back to normal. Her blood sugar is beginning to fluctuate, but I'm not about to take away her Snickers at this point.

Mom L seems to be downsliding, usually when we walk up to her there is some spark of recognition. She had no clue who I was and gave her canned answer she gives everybody. She still remembers John; said "that's my son". I guess the best I can come up with is she was just 'vacant' and just spoke some word-salad. We suspect she had a stroke; her left hand is completely balled up and can't be opened. However, she has figured out how to feed herself with her right hand. The staff tells her she manages to attend all their staff meetings.

Shiner is on the mend again, but moving much slower and doesn't stray too far from front door. All his handicap appliances have arrived and now that he is moving around,we need to figure out how to use them.

It must be the week for back pain. I guess I'm having sympathy pains for Booby. It's been my worst week ever. Pain pills just barely dulled it. I'm afraid I've narrowed it down to my dietary indiscretions. I made some home pimento cheese and had it several days in a row. Fresh strawberries popped up in the grocery store. When Doug and Tyrrell were here, I made a dessert with whipped cream. Now I'm on Slappy's Training Table and really watching what goes in my mouth and today is my best day so far.

Poppy is busy trying to make my studio habitable. It's not fun for him to work in the cold weather. We ordered a new space heater to try out in the studio - it was a dud -sent it back. I've got a buch of painting to catch up on; my pain sure got in the way of most of my activities.

Poppy and I finally got to break away and go to a movie yesterday. So nice. We saw Vantage Point and thoroughly enjoyed it. Of course, these days, we're easily intertained.

So now I start to catch up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Sounds busy and crazy! At least you know what foods trigger you - hint hint....

Kay Latham Art said...

I know, I'm trying so hard to watch what I eat. Rice milk is pretty much a standard except for cooking. Every once in awhile that bowl of ice cream calls. Just so happened, the ice cream and homemade pimento cheese at the same time of strawberries. I can manage scatterings of my trigger foods, but not consistently or in large amounts. Bummern- however, I do like to walk standing straight up