Wednesday, June 18, 2008


She really can ride the tricycle --- when she wants to!!!!!!!!
They love to catch and hold the chickens. They particularly like to go in the coop and catch the younger chickens. 3 of the older hens disppeared last week, no feathers scattered about, so what ever it was, carried them off. One farmer friend said if there were no feathers around it was probably a hawk. It doesn't seem like a hawk could carriy off full grown fat hens. We have seen foxes around Speckles pasture (not in past 2 years). One of the white younger was missing yesterday. It wasn't on the roost last night. This hen is Scarlet. She's the one that Happy split her breast open and didn't expect her to live. We gave her cat antibiotics twice a day. Needless to say she's a pet.

1 comment:

loud said...

Holy crap! Who knew you could hold a chicken! I think we have two vets in our future...